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Peer Experiences with Hybrids, Electric Vehicles (EVs) and EV Charging Stations

This session will be held virtually on Wednesday June 15th 2022, at Noon


This session will provide a brief overview of EVs and EV charging infrastructure as well as the grants and financial incentives that are available to municipalities. A variety of municipal officials will share information and perspective on the hybrids and EVs they own, including: cost and financing strategies, staff concerns prior to implementation, on-the-ground performance, and recommendations for other departments considering EVs. Others will discuss EV charging station projects from start to finish, including procurement, siting, permitting, maintenance, and financial considerations. Panelists will answer questions from the audience.

Rees Sweeney-Taylor

Massachusetts Clean Energy Center

Reese Sweeney-Taylor is the Net Zero Grid Program Manager at the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center, working to electrify and decarbonize the Commonwealth's electric grid at least cost while improving resiliency. Prior or Mass CEC, Rees received his Masters in Public Policy from the Harvard Kennedy School. While in school, he received a Rappaport Public Policy Fellowship to work on Massachusetts Decarbonation Roadmap and helped to develop policy solutions for clean energy and resiliency at Converge Strategies, Form Energy and The Engine. 

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Patrick Collins

Shrewsbury Electric & Cable Operations

Patrick Collins, Integrated Resources Analyst, SELCO - Patrick Collins has been with SELCO for seven years and currently serves as SELCO's Integrated Resources Analyst, exploring the exciting new world of sustainable initiatives in Public Power including solar, batteries, electric vehicles, energy efficient home appliances, and other strategic electrification that plays an important role in the energy system transformation required to mitigate climate change. Patrick currently holds a Masters in Environmental Science and Policy from Clark University and is pursuing a Masters in Public Administration at Clark University.

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Jackie Pratt

Shrewsbury Electric & Cable Operations

Jackie Pratt, Director of Advocacy & Customer Experience, SELCO - Jackie Pratt has been with SELCO for nineteen years and currently serves as SELCO's Director of Advocacy & Customer Experience, overseeing public communications, policymaking, advocacy, community relations, strategic planning, customer experience, and energy services programs. Jackie holds an MBA in Sustainability from Green Mountain College.

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Chief Jeffrey Lourie

Westborough Police Department

Jeffrey Lourie is Chief of the Westborough Police Department.

Zack Blais

Central MA Regional Planning Commission

Zack is a Transportation Planner with the Commission and focuses on asset management and climate change. Zack is a part of the data collection team and leads the Commission’s Culvert Assessment Program, which aims to assess and identify vulnerable culverts across the region. In addition, Zack has began making plans to help the Region’s communities begin to plan out a network of EV charging infrastructure. Aside from this, Zack hosts the Central Massachusetts Metropolitan Planning Organization (CMMPO) meeting each month for the Region and helps with other efforts within the Commission, like the Municipal Vulnerability Planning (MVP) Workshop events.

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Andrea Becerra

Town of Acton Sustainability Director

Andrea Becerra joined Acton in early 2021 after working for the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) for five years. She loves working on local sustainability initiatives and collaborating with residents and multiple departments to move projects forward. Andrea graduated with a Master's from the Fletcher School at Tufts University, where she studied integrated water resource management and environment and resource policy. As part of her graduate degree at Tufts, she also received a Water: Systems, Science, and Society (WSSS) Certificate.

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