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For the latest recommendations, directives and health information related to the COVID-19 outbreak please refer to the Massachusetts Department of Health and the Center of Disease Control  


COVID-19 Resources for Boards of Health

For the Central Massachusetts Region

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This webpage is designed to provide easily accessible and up-to-date information for muncipalities and Boards of Health about the 2019 Novel Coronavirus and its associated disease, COVID-19. You will find useful links to federal, state and local resources pages, public outreach information, and downloadable content. Please also see our other COVID-19 resources below.  

COVID-19 Response Components

Sources for Current Health Information

Sources for Current Health Information


Department of Public Health

The MA DPH has created a regulary updated information page for the Commwealth's COVID-19 response  


The Centers for Disease Control

and Prevention

The CDC's Coronavirus page is great resource for both the public and municipalities 



State of Emergency and Guidence

Stay up to date on all of the information regarding the State of Emergency including regualr updates, emergency orders and guidance 

Public Outreach

Looking for useful and up-to-date information to share with the public? The following links and downloads are easily digestible for all forms of public dispersal. 

Image by Jordan Hopkins

Steps Residents Can Take

to Prevent Infection

Looking for information for residents on how they can help prevent the spread of COVID-19?

Image by Mélissa Jeanty

World Health Organization's 

 Advice for the Public

WHO offers helpful and informative videos that answer the public's most asked questions

Image by Jordan Hopkins
Image by Mélissa Jeanty
Public Outreach

Printable, Post-able, and Shareable Informational Posters

Looking for More Posters or One in a Different Language?

Spread of Germs.JPG

Stop the Spread of Germs Poster

Additonal Dispersable Information

Kindly Provided by the Town of Uxbridge

Shopping Tips to Keep Essential Employees Safe

How to Make a Cloth Mask

Topics for Boards of Health 

Anchor 1

Interetested in Discussing Topics with Other BOH Members? 

Password is Required

Contact Us

There is also a members only shared drive for Boards of Health. Contact Connor Robichaud at for more information. 

Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission
One Mercantile Street, Suite 520
Worcester, MA 01608
Phone 508.756.7717 Fax 508.792.6818


Sources - Icons from Images from Upsplash and The Lawrence and Lillian Solomon Foundation

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