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The age-friendly movement has grown to include more than 100 communities across Massachusetts, including more than 85 recognized as dementia friendly. Many more communities are considered “emerging,” which means they are working towards an age- and dementia friendly designation. The designation itself is a commitment to obtain feedback on recognizing the strengths and opportunities that promote healthy aging for all, develop an action plan, and then partner with stakeholders on implementation.

In light of this progression, the Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC), in partnership with the Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative (MHAC), was awarded District Local Technical Assistance (DLTA) funding in March of 2022 to pursue a regional age-dementia friendly designation. This effort coincides with the agency's development of Imagine2050 - a region-wide comprehensive planning initiative that aims to improve the welfare and prosperity for those that live, work, and visit Central Massachusetts - to provide an age-friendly perspective that supports the plan.

project timeline
Project Timeline
Age Friendly Action Plan
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Join Age Friendly Central Mass

The final plan was completed in the spring of 2023. This represents a collaborative effort by many organizations, volunteers, and members of the public who provided critical input and guidance as CMRPC facilitated a planning process. Towns can adopt this plan by executing the Age-Friendly Resolution at the bottom of this page.

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